Some days are just like that.
I've fallen behind a bit on the project I'm working on at work. I keep getting up and helping people, and that tends to mean I'm not sitting down in front of my laptop and actually getting the project done. I've been a bit slack too, I'm not working nights except when I actually get called in to work.
No matter, it'll all get worked out sooner or later.
I'm still waiting for the end of my performance review… It's been nearly a month! Being fair though, it's been a hell of a month, and there have been much higher priorities out there, even I can see that. I'm thinking it'll be finished soon, and probably in a good way, so I'm ok with waiting.
I've been taking a few supplements recently, and started taking one late last week especially for joints and arthritis. Holy crap. I hadn't realized exactly how stiff and sore everything had been! It's still early on, but i noticed a little bit of new bounce in my step today. It's not that I'm any more healthy, or that my muscles don't ache from sleeping weird, just it feels a lot more like my joints are properly oiled, not sanded.
I'm going to keep track of this. I could just be having a good day, and it might not be related… but it's worth running a course of these and seeing.
I'm tired of feeling old.