Happy things.

So I have been rearranging my office for a while. Less trying to optimize it, more trying to keep ahead of the random chaos, lest the piles of stuff collapse and bury me.

A week ago I moved all of my 3d printers into one general area, and hooked the two that need a computer to a single Pi running Repetier Server.

I also took the time to get simplify3d configured to upload to the pi after slicing.

I started printing a few final components for the Drawbot i had started work on .. oh, maybe a year ago.

I didn’t tweak anything, I wiped the dust off, turned it on, loaded filament, and started to print.  It’s beautiful, and everything works.

On top of that, I’ve made real progress on the drawbot, and I could see being able to actually TEST it within the next week or two.

These things make me happy.