It's been a good day.
I back to Victoria on the morning ferry, and made it through customs with barely a ripple. That was nice, since they can be more than a little interrogative when the mood strikes them. Being at the front of the line also seems to help, since they are in a hurry to get to the end of the line.
I managed to catch up on laundry, though I must admit the mysteries of laundry folding still illude me. At least it's all clean!!
I was feeling a little weird, and ended up re-arranging my kitchen into a whole new pattern. Gone are the days of making coffee with my eyes mostly closed i think… *laughing*
Being this far from my Christina sucks. I'm sure I could have my pick of other words, but I'd say SUCKS covers it adequately.
So far I simply can't find any way to speed things up though. There are things that need to be done before we can be together, plain and simple. It's expensive, and that takes money that currently isn't in great supply. It takes new lodging, as 3 could not live comfortably in a space designed for one. And of course, there's all the legal stuff. It's not designed to be simple, it actually reminds me a lot of the instructions for doing taxes, or getting a divorce. I'm so glad that she's so good at digging this information up. I think my head would explode if I researched too much.
Everything gets more complicated when kids enter the picture.
In this case, the child in the picture is Tyler. He's 13. I'm sure I haven't mentioned him much, so now's as good a time as any.
When I was originally preparing to meet Christina for the first time, I was aware of him. Under other circumstances it's possible he might have been the make-or-break that broke it all, but not in this case.
I felt such a very strong connection to Christina, such a sense of “There you are”, that I was determined not to walk away from her sight unseen.
I was convinced she was someone special, someone worth getting to know, and sure enough, that turned out to be the case. After a little while I got to know him too.
It's been an eye opener. SO many things I didn't realize when I was growing up. So much I took for granted. I'm trying to do my best for both of them, without being too controlling or restrictive, but I'm finding myself playing the adult-male role more and more often, and it seems that's what he needs. Not that he'd ever say that though!
It's partly for him that this takes longer. She could be moved over here fairly easily, depending on what she wanted to bring along. Adding him means additional things to consider, like schooling. Or health care (kids get hurt, I remember that from when I was young). Or enough 'personal space', which no child should be without. We all need our safe place.
So it's going to be about another 7 months. He'll be out of school for the summer, and that's a good time to make a change. Mid school year moves suck. I should know, I did about 8 or 9 of them. Very disruptive.
I don't have all the answers.
Some days I don't have any.
But I'm going to work this out.