helping others



Some days are just like that.


I've fallen behind a bit on the project I'm working on at work. I keep getting up and helping people, and that tends to mean I'm not sitting down in front of my laptop and actually getting the project done. I've been a bit slack too, I'm not working nights except when I actually get called in to work.


No matter, it'll all get worked out sooner or later.


I'm still waiting for the end of my performance review… It's been nearly a month! Being fair though, it's been a hell of a month, and there have been much higher priorities out there, even I can see that. I'm thinking it'll be finished soon, and probably in a good way, so I'm ok with waiting.


I've been taking a few supplements recently, and started taking one late last week especially for joints and arthritis. Holy crap. I hadn't realized exactly how stiff and sore everything had been! It's still early on, but i noticed a little bit of new bounce in my step today. It's not that I'm any more healthy, or that my muscles don't ache from sleeping weird, just it feels a lot more like my joints are properly oiled, not sanded.


I'm going to keep track of this. I could just be having a good day, and it might not be related… but it's worth running a course of these and seeing.


I'm tired of feeling old.






I need to remember to stop working when I come home. I've been working for about 3 hours off and on, and I'm totally brain fried.


I should learn to stop, but it's so difficult to walk away when there's still stuff I can fix. It's a bit of an obsession, I'm a fixer. It's not really a bad thing, provided I don't take it to extremes.


I just like to be useful!


Of course there's a down side to it. I'm always there when people need me, that much is a promise. Sometimes I'm not around when they don't need me though. After all, if I'm not needed, I may as well get out of the way right?


I don't always pick up the clues. Hey, what can I say? I'm a guy.


Retrospect occasionally points out that maybe people might like me around, even if I'm not *needed*. I'm not sure exactly how to tell mind you, it's something that requires further thought.


I'm done writing for now.






Finally, it's done.


I signed the last of my divorce papers today. Actually, I signed a set, and was nearly home, and had to go bad and sign a second set, just in case.


This means in about 6 weeks it will all finally be over.


I took a little time out tonight to celebrate. I had a very nice spaghetti dinner (one of the few things I actually know how to cook!), and a few (alright, maybe one too many) drinks.


*dizzzy* 😀


It's long past time.



Masks are so easy to hide behind…



I'm a little freaky recently. It's been a hell of a month. I can't say any of it's been bad, but I certainly didn't expect July to pass the way it did. I've been spending more time than I expected in introspection. I've had the time, and the silence, and the thoughts have a way of working to the surface. I guess you never really reach a point where looking backwards and looking inside lose their value.


I'm still finding it tough to make friends. I've been trying off and on to connect with people, but the results are unsatisfying, and don't seem to last. Perhaps I don't have the knack. That's an unpleasant thought, but life is all about seizing the unpleasantries firmly with both hands and dealing with them. Hiding from the way things are, the way I am, it doesn't solve anything. It's a comfort to hide from the nasties though, like being snuggled up in a warm blanket. It's just too bad you can't really travel forward if you're all wrapped up.


Initially I was going to make this entry friends only, but then I did a little thinking. That's no better than hiding myself beneath my favorite blanket of illusions. How can I admit something to myself and keep hiding it others? I've written before about the masks I wear, and that still matters. I'm trying to tear down the walls, one brick at a time. Sure, I've got things I keep buried, we all do. So much of who I am doesn't need to be buried though. It might not be shiny and cheerful. It might be a thunderstorm that blots out the light and brings down the rain. It might be a nightmare with people screaming. It might just be a bee sting or a flat tire though. It's all a matter of keeping it in perspective. Some stuff simply doesn't matter enough to hide, and the hiding buries not only the events, but the strength that was required to live through them, or the fears and weakness that make us all human.


Hidden under our own personal blankets, we all look the same. There's security in obscurity, in being just a face in the crowd, another number… I keep trying to fight that, and I'd like to think I've made a little progress. People who meet me, and actually stay to talk for longer than a minute, they get the real me. (Or as much of me as I can offer anyone).


Some people don't like that. It can be a lot like streaking through a mall. So many people simply don't know how to handle it. Most people don't open up that much, except to a loved one or a relative. They go through life hidden from the world, and no one can see their faces.


I don't want to be one of those people. Watch me bleed in my misery, and don't turn away. Smile as I run through my life, chasing the path I've chosen, with one foot firmly in my mouth.


One day I'll totally be the person I want to be. I'll probably be unsuitable to take anywhere by then, but hey, what do you expect?


I'm not changing for you.






It's Tuesday. Yesterday was a day off, but I have to admit, I don't feel all that rested.


I finally got around to getting a haircut! Damn, it was way overdue.


Here's what it turned out like.


Picture One
Picture Two


All in all, I have to admit I'm rather pleased at how it turned out. It's totally me, a no-maintenance haircut!

