Oh my good god. I'm so sick.
A fever's been brewing for a few days now, and it finally hit with full force today at work. The whole package, shakes, fever, and coughing and sneezing fits. I JUST managed to drive home around 1, when it finally got to be too much for me, and I nearly t-boned some poor motorist.
It's my own fault though, I've been putting in a lot of extra time recently, not giving myself time to recover, and it's finally caught up with me.
It's been a busy week. My workshop's built, my programming work is nearly done, and I'm getting two junior techs (i picked them!)
Mind you, I bypassed the entire HR hiring chain, so I'm well on my way to making enemies. But I figure, who knows my job better than me? I don't need someone who understands management politics, I need someone who understands COMPUTERS.
I feel like I've been beaten evenly over every part of my body. It's extremely painful. It's making it hard to concentrate.
I'm going to go lie down.