


Well, I'm still up. 4 hours of sleep is not exactly the most fun I've ever had.


Yesterday was pretty decent. I went in to work (as usual) for a few hours, and managed to get a bunch of stuff fixed and running right, which will drop my work load on monday to something that can be done in a regular work day. And good thing too! K's coming to town!


That means I'm going to be ready to drop everything at a moment's notice, so it's good to be mostly caught up.


I've done some killer work for our main project this weekend, I'm going to spring the changes on our PM on monday, I think he'll be extremely speechless, which is of course the response I'm looking for.


I had a lovely chat with a friend all night. I called around 11pm, and didn't get off the phone til 4 am! That's something I haven't done since my much younger days, and I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it.


It's funny, I've been writing down an imprint of my soul here and on my old site for the better part of a year, and while I've been comfortable with my beliefs, I hadn't run across anyone who was even vaguely similarly minded. It was a refreshing change to come across someone who could see where I was coming from without longwinded explanations being required. (Though I tend to give those when I get really wound up).


I'll be back.

