Getting cold feet and a screwdriver is more than a tool.



I'm getting cold feet.


I don't mean I'm having second thoughts, or I'm uncomfortable with the actions I've chosen. I'm serious. Cold feet.


When I packed up all my stuff in nelson, I took a car load with me. I gave nearly everything else away, but the stuff I didn't give away or take I stored at a friend's place. In one of the boxes, my slippers.


I've been living a year without any slippers, and everytime I go outside I think “Damn, my feet are cold!”.


Yet I still haven't bought any new ones, despite the fact that slippers aren't really expensive. It's not that I'm seriously hooked on my old pair. I mean, they were nice, and they fit fine, but they're not something I have a significant attachment to.


Still, I haven't bought any. How much are we slaves to habit? I keep thinking I should buy some, but I keep waiting until I can go and pick up MY pair. *sigh*


New topic. A screwdriver's more than a tool.


In this case, it's a tasty drink, and one of the less nasty ways to drink a lot in a small amount of time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bottle-a-night kind of person, or even a bottle a month some months. I just don't like beer, and I've pretty much burned out on most other drinks years and years ago.


Talked to H today, she finally moved into her new place, and seems much happier. We (again) only talked for a few minutes, but this time it was due to the serious migraine that was kicking my ass at the time. I even had to leave work early, that was a pain. Luckily, I'd done everything but one job which isn't due until monday, and I'll have tonnes of time to do it tomorrow.


On yet another topic, the public beta finally came out! WTF you say? This — >


Why am I mentioning this?


That's why. It's reviewing well, as it should.


I'd love to say lots about it, but I think the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) is still binding, so besides providing the links and a serious WOOT, I likely can't say anything else at least until the package goes final.


I can say Merc is the best place to work in the industry, and I feel damn lucky to be a part of the team. Who would've imagined 2 years ago I would've come so far?

